Preparing to move out

  • 10 months ago
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Once notice has been served, either by the landlord or the tenant, you will need to prepare for your next move and the landlord will most likely also begin their search for a new tenant.

Your tenancy agreement will normally permit the landlord or agent to conduct viewings in the last few weeks of the tenancy, as long as they provide adequate notice, and so you will need to accommodate this. Even though it can feel like an inconvenience at times, it is always in your best interest to work with your landlord in finding a new tenant.

Preparing to leave the property

Though it’s always tempting to leave packing and cleaning to the last minute, never underestimate how much time it takes to do these things.

In the weeks building up to your move, start by collecting any required boxes or packing items and begin to pack up those items which you will not need again until after the move.

A move is always the perfect opportunity for a clear-out so, if there are any items that will need disposing of, ensure you’ve left enough time to dispose of them because on move day, you’ll have countless other things to think about.

When you leave the property, the cleanliness of the property will be assessed and, if it doesn’t meet the necessary requirements, the cost for a professional clean can be deducted from your deposit.

It can be tempting to do the cleaning of the property yourself, perhaps to save money or because you don’t know who can help, but make sure you check your tenancy agreement for details of what is expected.

If you’re required to get a professional clean, but unsure who can help you with this, ask the letting agent managing the tenancy or your landlord if they can recommend anyone that they use regularly. Though you may pay a premium this way, you can also be sure that the service you buy will adequately cover the standard of cleaning expected.

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